Business Traveler Compliance Technology
5 Ways to Build A Successful Business Case
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"How can a topic so complex be managed so simply?”
International Assignment Manager
For years, the great debate in mobility circles centered on who in the business should ‘own’ and be accountable for managing business traveler compliance. Now, as mobility has evolved to support not just traditional assignments, but also rotators, cross-border commuters, and multi-state assignments, the debate about who manages business travel compliance has lessened significantly.
In addition to that mix of assignments, most mobility organizations today recognize they have all the necessary skills and competencies to deal with shortterm business travelers as well. At a time when many organizations are tasking mobility teams to do more with less, the mindset has shifted away from accountability towards the question of capacity and bandwidth to effectively support business travel compliance.
The answer lies, in large part, in modern technology doing the hard yards and making the process more manageable. But building the business case to fund and implement that technology remains a major obstacle for many mobility professionals.
5-steps for building a business case